[tagline tagtitle=”Child and Family Solutions is New Jersey’s Premier Human Service Agency” tagbutton=1 tagbuttonsize=”button-regular-large” buttonstyle=”mauve” buttonlink=”http://www.childandfamilysolutions.org/about” buttonlinktext=”Learn more about us”]We provide solution focused, evidence based care for you and your family. →[/tagline]
In-Home Therapeutic Services
Intensive In-Community Counseling (IIC), Behavioral Assistance and Mentoring.
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Individual and Couples Counseling
High quality counseling for you and/or your loved one. Feel better today and schedule an intake appointment.
[button buttonsize=”small” buttonstyle=”bluesea” buttonlink=”http://www.childandfamilysolutions.org/couples-counseling-nj/”]Read More[/button]
Affordable In-Home Tutoring
Individualized tutoring in New Jersey. Certified teachers.
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New Jersey’s Premier In-Home Provider
Since 2007, Child and Family Solutions has maintained contracts with the State of New Jersey Child Behavior Health and county-based Care Management Organizations (CMO) to provide evidence-based interventions to youth and families enrolled in the New Jersey System of care. The goals of services are: to stabilize the service recipient, prevent the need for a higher level of care and support or improve functioning in vocational, educational, and social domains. Treatment is short-term in nature and includes, but is not limited to cognitive behavioral and family systems strategies. These services are:
1. Strength and Needs Assessments
2. Intensive In-Community Counseling (IIC)
3. Behavioral Assistant Services (BA)
4. Mentoring
We Accept Most Insurances
To best meet the needs of our youth and families, we accept a variety of insurance plans for services in our outpatient program. These include, but are not limited to, Aetna, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, EAP, and Amerihealth. Visit our Insurance page to view an extensive list of the insurances we accept. If you don’t see your insurance on the list, please contact us at info@childandfamilysolutions.org or by phone at 1-888-5CHILDFAM to discuss affordable payment plans.
Fast Appointment Times
Outpatient counseling services are provided in our office and assist with the remediation of everyday stressors, which may include: substance use or abuse, mental health challenges, family conflicts, trauma and more. Our clinical therapists and social workers provide affordable, high-quality and individualized therapeutic support to youth, families, couples and individuals. Our counselors are eclectic in their therapeutic approach; yet employ evidence-based treatment modalities, which are proven to get you and your family feeling better.We are currently accepting new patients and it is our goal to get you scheduled within one week. Furthermore, your comfort and satisfaction is our utmost concern. Waiting times in our waiting room are never more than 5 minutes. Call Child and Family Solutions now at 888-5CHILD-FAM to get scheduled today!
A Variety Of Counselors
Our counselors are clinically licensed by the State in New Jersey and have several years of experience in family therapy, couples counseling, advanced mental health disorders, depression, trauma, family conflict, ADD/ADHD and more. When assigning a counselor to best meet your needs, we consider your unique situation as well as any cultural preferences you may have.
Request An Appointment
[contact-form-7 id=”1330″ title=”Contact form 1″]
Frequently Asked Questions
[accordion_content title=”How can I access free in-home counseling for my child?”]Call Performcare to request an in home assessment at 877-652-7624 to determine your child’s appropriate level of care. Request Child and Family Solutions (provider number 0080866) as your provider of choice to complete the Strengths and Needs Assessment. Following the assessment, our clinical staff will make the appropriate recommendations to for your child and family.[/accordion_content][accordion_content title=”Do you accept my insurance?”]We accept many NJ insurance plans. View our insurance page for more information on insurances we accept.[/accordion_content][accordion_content title=”Do I really need counseling?”]Receiving counseling is a matter of individual preference. However, if emotional stressors begin to interfere with other domains in your life such as work, school, social obligations and/or relationships, it is a good idea to seek professional intervention.[/accordion_content][accordion_content title=”Counseling in home vs Counseling in office?”]In home counseling is typically considered a higher level of care or provided for those with limitations which prevent them from receiving services in our office.[/accordion_content][/accordion]
Find Out More About Child and Family Solutions
Our staff is here to help you get through the difficulties and struggles that occur on a daily basis. We have the serious task of helping to ease those challenges and assist you with getting back to living your life to the fullest. If depressed about family matters, discouraged about school performance, or worried about what may come to pass, the committed attitude of our clinical staff will help you manage your emotions and provide effective solutions to help you cope with any situation.
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